Enema for Kids: What You Need to Know

When a child is constipated, especially if they experience frequent constipation, parents want to help relieve their symptoms and get their child back on a regular bowel regimen. There are many enema products available to relieve child constipation, so it can be confusing to know what is safe and effective for children.
Not all enema products are recommended for children, so it’s important to understand the differences between them, and their side effects. Parents and pediatricians prefer mini-enemas as they are safe, fast-acting, and have no harmful or irritating side effects, like afterburn or intestinal distress.
Note: it’s important to consult a physician before using any constipation medication.
Main Cause of Constipation in Children
There are several factors that lead to constipation in children, and one of the most common is bathroom avoidance. Called "stool withholding," children refuse to use the bathroom and this causes frustration in parents and often leads to chronic constipation and incontinence in children. “If someone asked me, “What is the most surprising part of being a parent?” I think I would have to respond, “How much time I spend trying to convince my kids to poop.” Seriously! Kids, on principal, do not like to poop and often need a little help moving things along. I think this is especially true when you start potty training. I’m potty training my youngest right now and he keeps doing the “holding it” thing. Since this is an issue all parents will experience eventually, I thought I would share some tips on keeping your kiddos regular and what to do when they aren’t.” —Chandra F. Oh Lovely Day Stool withholding is typically related to a child’s prior experience passing a hard or painful stool and as a result fearing it will happen again. Chronic constipation and incontinence can lead to larger generalized bathroom anxiety. Stool withholding can also develop into far more serious problems, including dangerous constipation, bedwetting issues, leakages and even urinary tract infections. It is important to treat constipation in children as soon as possible, before these issues occur. An enema regimen allows the rectum to stay empty, shrink back to size, and regain normal sensation. It is this healing process, more than the initial clean out, that resolves toileting problems.About Laxatives for Children
Constipation medications can be broken down into the following general categories:-
Stool Softeners
Hyperosmotic Laxatives
Stimulant Laxatives
Lubricant Laxatives